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Africa : 92 ECOWAS Parliamentarians take the oath of office

Africa : 92 ECOWAS Parliamentarians take the oath of office

At the swearing-in ceremony of 92 ECOWAS Parliamentarians on 4th April 2024 during 6th Legislature of the Ecowas Parliament, President Bola Tinubu, who is Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of Ecowas, reaffirmed the unwavering commitment of the community to promote peace, security, good governance and development. He also charged the newly sworn-in members of the Ecowas Parliament to work to build the economic prosperity of the region

At the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, on 4th April 2024 in Abuja, 92 Community Parliamentarians took the oath of office for a four year  mandate. According to President Bola Tinubu, chairman of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, this action is to promote regional solidarity and integration, in order to strengthen the bloc’s resilience against the threat of disintegration.

“Our journey towards a future of peace and prosperity. We cannot succeed without the loyal contribution and hard work of our community’s legislative agency. Furthermore, to realize the ECOWAS ‘Vision 2050’, we require greater involvement of the people in the decision-making processes of the community. 

Bola Tinubu, Head of State, Chairman of ECOWASNigeria

Though the ECOWAS community has been faced with the challenges of unity with members of the sahel who decided to leave the bloc, the challenge of security, good governance, and development as Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger did not send any Parliamentarians to represent them in this sixth Legislature. However, ECOWAS Parliament has relented in its efforts to ensure that the aspirations of ECOWAS citizens are taken into account in the integration process. The 6th Legislature  is to work towards the restoration of unity in the bloc, promote democracy, good governance and improve living conditions of citizens.

“Democracy must be accompanied by accountability that ensures the delivery of development, justice and security to our people”.

Omar Alieu Touray, President of ECOWAS CommissionGambia

As chairman of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, President Bola Tinubu has called on ECOWAS member states to come together, strengthen ties, and reject forces spearheading division within the community.

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