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Africa : strategies for food resilience

Africa : strategies for food resilience

The African Union has declared 2022 the year of food security and nutrition. The pan-African organization aims for the elimination of hunger and food insecurity on the continent by 2025. In 2021, African States adopted a common position on the urgency of the fight against hunger in the Horn of Africa region and the Sahel in particular. The transformation of the agricultural sector has been identified as the main driver of food security in Africa.

Although food insecurity is a reality on the continent, it remains more linked to the poor use of available foodstuffs than to their absence. A paradox to which the African Union and its continental partners wish to oppose a new paradigm, that of an Africa which itself, takes on the responsibility of revitalizing the food and agricultural sector for the political and economic independence of the continent.

It is time to implement a bold agenda for agricultural transformation in Africa that will be more efficient, more resilient, more inclusive and sustainable. This objective could be achieved by taking into account multi-sectoral approaches in partnership with all the main players in the agri-food sector.

Sory Ibrahim OUANE, Country Director of the World Food Program – Niger

In Africa, where 30% of the population faces food insecurity, specialists are proposing a U turn in people’s feeding habits. They advocate for a reconciliation with traditional African gastronomy whose main ingredients are easily accessible. Dishes that are, today, relegated to the background in favor of culinary models imported from the West notably.

We increasingly need to hear about success stories in the fight against hunger in Africa. We have these food resources. We are richer in this area than the world thinks. Data indicates that Africa is the largest citrus importer. We have enough citrus fruits to feed the world, but we cannot feed ourselves.

Moky MAKURAJournalist

Substantial change is needed to ensure Africa’s nutrition resilience. From 2014 to 2020, African Union figures on malnutrition indicated a 14% increase of the phenomenon, with  221.6 million people exposed to food insecurity. Children are the most affected by food insecurity, with visible consequences on their physical and mental growth.

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