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African Union Journal : AU calls for more investment in education

Education is a fundamental human right and an essential component of sustainable development. However, lack of funding and unequal access to education in Africa remain a challenge. The African Union believes that greater priority needs to be given to investment in order to meet the challenges facing the education sector in Africa.

More than one in four young people in Africa, some 72 million, have no job, education or training, despite the progress made in recent decades. This situation affects the future of the continent, given that 65% of the African population is young. The African Union is therefore calling for the creation of an environment conducive to the transformation of education systems.

Many children do not have access to basic education, and those who do can face considerable difficulties, including poverty, lack of educational infrastructure and lack of qualified teaching staff. According to Mercy Tembon, Vice-President and General Secretary of the World Bank, African governments need to invest more in education, particularly for girls

Le manque de financement, la qualité inégale de l’enseignement, la barrière linguistique et la discrimination de genre font également partie des obstacles à surmonter pour garantir une éducation de qualité pour tous. Dans ce contexte, l’éducation doit être considérée comme une priorité absolue pour l’Afrique afin de garantir un avenir meilleur pour les générations futures comme l’indique le zimbabwéen Prosper Matonde, Secrétaire général permanent au ministère de l’Eau et du Climat. 

Lack of funding, uneven quality of education, language barrier, and gender discrimination are also among the barriers that need to be overcome to ensure quality education for all. In this context, education must be considered a top priority for Africa to ensure a better future for future generations, as indicated by Zimbabwean Prosper Matonde, Permanent Secretary General at the Ministry of Water and Climate. 

L’éducation est essentielle au développement de l’Afrique et de ses citoyens. Cependant, le continent est confronté à une série de défis pour fournir une éducation accessible et de qualité à ses jeunes. En s’attaquant aux problèmes évoqués ci-dessus, les gouvernements africains et les organisations internationales peuvent s’unir pour soutenir des projets qui donnent la possibilité d’apprendre, quels que soient leurs antécédents ou leur situation.

Education is essential to the development of Africa and its citizens. However, the continent faces a range of challenges in providing accessible and quality education to its youth. By addressing the issues discussed above, African governments and international organisations can come together to support projects that provide opportunities to learn, regardless of their background or circumstances.


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