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Cameroon – 52nd National Unity Day : Equatorial Guinea guest of honor at military parade

Cameroon - 52nd National Unity Day : Equatorial Guinea guest of honor at military parade

Arriving the 20 May boulevard at exactly 12 noon the President of the Republic of Cameroon  Paul Biya, commander in chief of the arm forces accompanied by the first lady Chantal Biya  presided over the military and civilian match pass on the occasion of the 52nd edition of the national day in cameroon. The match pass ranging from all the categories of the Cameroonian army on land and on air, both men and women, showcases the military’s  commitments in unity with the  civilians to consolidating patriotism , national unity and  security.

Marked with colorful match passes by the military and civilians, the Cameroonian Head of State Paul BIYA, commander in chief of the arm forces  presided over the festivities marking the 52nd edition of the National unity day at the 20th May Boulevard in the nation’s capital  Yaounde, on May 20th 2024. citizens, military personnel and members of political parties alongside the military of Equatorial Guinea took part in the ceremony. These parades by the military and civilians  from different religious and cultural backgrounds portrays their commitment in promoting national unity and integration.

“We want to thank our head of state for being focused on what he has always been doing. The president of the Republic is a real father, he is an international diplomat, he is somebody who has a lot of experience in managing the country, he knows the country very well and he is doing all that he can do to keep the stateship together. He has never failed us and he has taken all the necessary moves needed to keep the country united. We are going along the right direction. We can only tell Cameroonians that we have people at the helm of the Republic. The head of state president Paul Biya is focused in what he has to do to make Cameroon a very prosperous country by 2035”

Donatus Boma, Deputy Director of APICameroon

“Army and nation, together for a united peaceful and prosperous Cameroon  » is the theme for which the national unity day  2024, is celebrated. The head of state Paul Biya aims to reduce the gap between the population and its army  especially at a time when the North West, South West and the Northern regions of Cameroon have been faced with some political setbacks that have threatened its unity and integration towards a one and indivisible cameroon.

In the west region I saw images where the military went out to clean gutters to sweep the road, to show to the people that the army is not against the people rather, with the people. SO, peace and security is of primary importance to any community and to us in Cameroon. Unfortunately,  Unfortunately we had this small political differences in South West and North West and we believe politicians unitedly will solve the p roblem and i don’t believe in arms you can not solve any problem using arm, killing people, killing our brothers and sisters”

Zofoa III, Fon of BabungoCameroon

The president and the entire Cameroon Government in commemorating the national unity  day alongside  the military, civilians, heads of diplomatic mission and Militants from Equatorial Guinea shows the nation’s commitments in achieving  national unity, social cohesion, economic patriotism, democracy decentralisation regional integration as well as upholding its relations with the rest of the world. 

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