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Damtien Tchintchibidja, Vice-President of the Ecowas Commission

As Vice-President of the ECOWAS Commission since 2022, Damtien Tchintchibidja has played a key role in coordinating regional initiatives and strengthening regional integration in West Africa. Recognised for her dynamic leadership and her vision for the future of the West African region, she works in particular to build the capacities of women and young people, to have a positive social impact and to consolidate peace in West Africa.

Appointed Vice-President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission for a four-year mandate from 11 July 2022, Damtien Tchintchibidja, a specialist in economic development, is the second woman to occupy this prestigious post since the creation of the sub-regional institution in 1975. She is recognised for her dynamic leadership and clear vision for the future of the West African region. 

‘I’m the second vice-president of this institution, and we’re a smaller commission. We have gone from 15 members of Management to 7. We have five commissioners in charge of various portfolios, including two women.’

Damien Tchintchibidja, Vice-President of the ECOWAS CommissionTogo

While Africa has the largest youth population in the world, United Nations projections indicate that by 2030, the number of young people living on the continent is set to increase by 42%. That’s why Damtien Tchintchibidja and his institution are focusing on mentoring young people in West Africa.

« We have a center dedicated to African youth, and through this center we carry out a number of activities with young people in terms of training, education and also sport, all sporting activities. But we place particular emphasis on young people. It’s very important to provide support and supervision for these young people and to give them opportunities.’

Damien Tchintchibidja, Vice-President of the ECOWAS CommissionTogo

According to Damtien Tchintchibidja, women are undeniably at the heart of Africa’s development. So she is working tirelessly to integrate this group into the decision-making processes and development initiatives in this West African region, where women account for more than 50% of the population.

‘I have to my credit a project that enables us, as a sub-region, to highlight the work that women do and also provide support for women. So I have an early warning to my credit, and through this early warning, we are helping decision-makers to understand the role of women in the events taking place in our respective countries’.

Damien Tchintchibidja, Vice-President of the ECOWAS CommissionTogo

The former Economic Adviser to the President of the Togolese Republic, Damtien Tchintchibidja has a wealth of experience in development issues. These skills have enabled her to manage numerous projects for both the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank, as well as projects receiving public and private funding.


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