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Gabon – 2025 presidential election : Brice Oligui Nguema announces his candidacy on March 3

Gabon : Brice Oligui, clear favourite for the presidency

On March 3, 2025, Brice Oligui Nguema announced his candidacy for the 2025 presidential election.  The President of Gabon since 30 August 2023 aims to transform the country. Brice Oligui is committed to reforming institutions and transforming the country.  Having officially announced his retirement from the army in the run-up to the presidential election on 12 April 2025, Brice Oligui Nguema is banking on his track record and the actions taken during the transition to convince voters.

Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema is the officially declared candidate for the presidential election on 12 April 2025. He was born on 3 March 1975 in Ngouoni, Gabon, The President of the Republic of Gabon spent his career in the army, joining the Royal Military Academy of Meknès in Morocco in 1997 for military and university training. Appointed head of the Republican Guard in 2020, Brice Oligui Nguema is responsible for the security of the presidency and major state institutions. On 30 August 2023, he led the college of soldiers that overthrew President Ali Bongo Ondimba. Since being sworn in on 4 September 2023, Brice Oligui Nguema has led and implemented numerous institutional reforms aimed at transforming governance in Gabon and establishing free elections.

‘Our first mission was to restore the foundations of a solid democracy. The constitutional referendum we organised on 16 November marked an important milestone. For the first time, the people of Gabon were able to express themselves freely in the institutions that govern them. ’

BRICE OLIGUI NGUEMA, Presidential candidateGabon

However, the President’s candidacy comes at a time of marked economic fragility in Gabon. The fourth largest oil producer in Africa and the world’s largest producer of manganese, Gabon’s growth rate stands at  less than 3% in 2024.

 Brice Oligui Nguema’s candidacy is underpinned by the establishment of a transitional government made up of civilians and military personnel, reinforced by the implementation of more transparent management of public resources, audits of institutions to combat corruption, and social measures adopted to improve the living conditions of the Gabonese people.

‘Together, we are building a new Gabon, a Gabon of justice, fraternity and progress, a Gabon worthy of envy and by our ancestors and of which our children will be proud.’

BRICE OLIGUI NGUEMA, Presidential candidateGabon

The presidential election on 12 April 2025 should enable Brice Oligui Nguema to reach a new level and embody the providential leader who will build a new political era for Gabon. He is being challenged for this role by a reinvigorated opposition, which is organising itself to form a united front against the onslaught of the presidential election. 

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