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Nigeria’s Coffee Industry Aims for 2 Billion dollars Revenue by 2025

Nigeria's Coffee Industry Aims for 2 Billion dollars Revenue by 2025

Key players in Nigeria’s coffee segment are optimistic that the industry has the potential to earn $2billion in the next two to three years.This buoyant outlook is underpinned by the growing demand for coffee emanating from developed economies, a trend that industry insiders are keen to capitalize on. Data from the United Nations database on international trade revealed that Nigeria’s exports of coffee, tea, mate, and spices amounted to $38.63mn in 2023.

As global demand for high-quality coffee continues to rise, industry players are calling on the government to give the sector more support, indicating that there’s major room for growth.This industry portrays the ability to earn over $2billion come  2025.This bullish outlook is rooted in the surging global demand for coffee, especially from developed economies, a trend that industry insiders are keen to leverage.

Climate change too is very problematic as the damps are getting dry. The coffee plants are about to flower but due to lack of support systems , we may not be able to meet up to production despite our zeel to produce . 

Ndum David , Coffee Farmer Nigeria

According to the West Africa Specialty Coffee Association (WASCA), Nigeria’s coffee sector has seen increasing interest from both domestic and foreign investors, who see the potential for growth in the industry. With the right government support and policies, the sector could play a significant role in boosting the economy and creating jobs in the country. Given its large population, favorable climate, and untapped potential for productivity gains, industry players have raised optimism that Nigeria could potentially emerge as a major coffee exporter and an important player in the global coffee industry.

The endorsement has not been tapped by the federal government of Nigeria.If the government pays attention we can generate billions of naira. There are many states producing coffee which can generate money and coffee is a simple crop to farm , it is not like other crops.  

Khadir Abdul, Coffee InvestorNigeria 

The Nigerian government through multiple programs has stressed on  the importance of having a sound business model and being investor-ready as crucial factors for success in the coffee sector. Entrepreneurs are called out  to seek support from organizations to improve their chances of securing investment and achieving growth.

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