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Senegal – presidential election : Mamadou Lamine Diallo calls for a reduction in the powers of the Head of State

Senegal : Mamadou Lamine Diallo calls for a reduction in the powers of the Head of State

Mamadou Lamine Diallo, a candidate in the March 24 presidential election, is proposing a program called « Senegal’s Agenda for National Recovery ». The leader of the Tekki coalition intends to take emergency measures if he is elected head of the country. These measures involve calming the socio-political climate, restoring citizens’ political and civic rights, providing relief for Senegalese families, workers and businesses, safeguarding endangered natural resources, and equipping territories with basic infrastructure.

Born in 1959 in Dakar, Senegal, Mamadou Lamine Diallo is a Senegalese intellectual and politician. In the running for the March 24 presidential election, Mamadou Lamine Diallo is proposing an agenda to turn Senegal around. Through his emergency measures, the Tekki coalition candidate intends to calm the socio-political climate, restore the political and civic rights of Senegalese citizens, and ease the burden on families. The leader of the Tekki movement is a polytechnic engineer and a member of Senegal’s National Assembly. 

« We need to reduce the two terms of office to five years, that’s my main political battle, and I say it today. The first step or the second point of our program is to reconcile the Senegalese with their institutions, in particular, the institution of the president of the republic. The president of the republic has too many powers in this country ».

Mamadou Lamine Diallo, candidate

Le leader du mouvement Tekki réaffirme son ambition d’industrialiser le Sénégal à l’exemple des pays asiatiques. Mamadou Lamine Diallo estime aussi que le président de la République doit être un justiciable. Selon lui, on doit diminuer ses pouvoirs, renforcer l’Assemblée nationale, en faire un outil, un lieu d’impulsion de la vie politique et de contrôle  de l’action du gouvernement.

The leader of the Tekki movement reaffirms his ambition to industrialize Senegal, following the example of Asian countries. Mamadou Lamine Diallo also believes that the President of the Republic should be answerable to the law. In his view, the President’s powers should be reduced, and the National Assembly should be strengthened and made a tool for driving political life and overseeing government action.

« The President of the Republic has too many powers. With me, I’m going to proceed with the separation of powers and avoid politicizing the National Assembly. After that, my ambition is to promote the country’s economic growth by creating jobs and developing industry. industrialization. Security will also be a priority for me, particularly in West Africa ».

Mamadou Lamine Diallo, candidate

Mamadou Lamine Diallo has also promised to modernize the justice system, thus launching Senegal’s economic, social and food recovery agenda, which will rely on businesses to create jobs. Mamadou Lamine Diallo was an independent candidate in the presidential election of February 2007, where he received 0.48% of the vote, an election won by Abdoulaye Wade in the first round with 55.90%. 

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