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Africa : Djibouti’s appeal to support its candidacy for the chairmanship of the AU Commission

Angola and Djibouti share common interests in areas such as economy, security, infrastructure and regional integration. The visit of the Djiboutian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, to Angola, on October 23 and 24, 2024, notably allowed the two States to consolidate their relationship in these areas. Through his visit to Luanda, the diplomat hopes to obtain the support of Angola, which will assume the African Union chairmanship in 2025, for his candidacy for the African Union Commission chairmanship.

The visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Djibouti, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, to Angola, on October 23 and 24, 2024, notably allowed the two States to consolidate cooperation in the areas of politics, diplomacy and infrastructure. This trip, which is part of his continental tour aimed at promoting the Djiboutian candidacy for the African Union Commission chairmanship, reaffirmed the commitment of the two countries to regional development, peace and stability in Africa.

“Angola, which is a pivotal country between the Southern African region and the Central African region, is a country that has much to offer Djibouti in terms of experience. It is a country which has achieved a certain ideological transformation, it is a country in full economic growth with a fairly enviable infrastructure policy and this experience can be positive for Djibouti which only lives from its strategic position in the region of the Horn of Africa.”

Kerwin MAYIZO, Political analystDR Congo

Through his visit to Luanda, during which he was received by President João Lourenço, the Djiboutian Minister of Foreign Affairs hopes to obtain Angola’s support for his candidacy for the African Union Commission chairmanship during the elections at the continental body scheduled for February 2025. Mahmoud Ali Youssouf intends to join the efforts of Angola, which will assume the African Union chairmanship in 2025, for the development of the continent. 

“There is fundamental work to be done in the years to come so that the effectiveness of the Union’s actions can meet the expectations of the African people and these expectations are very well stipulated in Agenda 2063 that we all know. The challenges are not only peace and security, but it is the starting point.”

Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister of Foreign AffairsDjibouti

Angola and Djibouti share common interests in areas such as economic development, the fight against terrorism, the promotion of infrastructure and regional integration. With Djibouti’s aspiration to chair the African Union Commission and Angola’s upcoming African Union chairmanship, both countries are committed to continuing the implementation of Agenda 2063.


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