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Africa : Political Crises on IGAD’s meeting Agenda

The leaders of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) met in Uganda on January 18, 2024 to discuss the various political and social crises affecting East Africa. In this case, the dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia and the crisis in Sudan.

The Extraordinary Summit of the Intergovernmental Authority on the Development of East Africa (IGAD), held in Uganda, ended on January 18, 2024. On the agenda were two central crises: the diplomatic tension between Ethiopia and Somalia since the signing of an agreement with Somaliland, a self-proclaimed independent territory that Mogadishu does not recognize; and the war in Sudan, underway since April 2023.

“Excellencies, the situation between the federal Republic of Somalia and the federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia is of great concern to us. In fact it cannot leave any African indifferent. ”

Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union CommissionChad

The absence of several stakeholders meant that not all concerns could be addressed. Ethiopia was not officially present, due to a scheduling conflict. The head of the Sudanese army, General al-Burhan, had announced his boycott of the summit, as Igad had invited his opponent, General Hemedti. Under these conditions, Igad relaunched peace initiatives concerning Sudan, reminding the belligerents of their commitments and asking them to meet within 14 days.

“The war in Sudan,… if you look at the communique, we described it as an unjust war. You freedom fighters, pay a lot of attention to these words.When we were fight for our freedom, remember the anticolonial wars were just wars because we were fighting for justice and we could get it by any other means.”

Yoweri Museveni, President of the RepublicUganda 

In early January 2024, the Somali authorities denounced the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia for Addis Ababa’s access to the Red Sea. Somalia disputes the sovereignty of the breakaway region of Somaliland.


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