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Benin: Ancient stories shape the identity of a new generation


In Benin, storytelling is more than a mere children’s story. They are cultural treasures that pass on wisdom, morals and know-how from generation to generation. True vectors of values such as respect, solidarity and humility, these stories play a crucial role in preserving African cultural identity. However, in a world where screens and video games predominate, oral transmission is under threat. Aware of this challenge, Benin’s storytellers are redoubling their efforts to preserve and revitalize this ancestral tradition. Some have succeeded in combining the magic of the past with the present, incorporating artistic elements such as puppet theatre to capture the attention of young audiences.

« With my colleagues, we launched initiatives all over the country. We visit schools, public squares and markets, where we tell stories and perform puppet shows. We adapt these stories into puppet theatre, which is particularly appealing to children who are used to cartoons”.

Ronnie Medegan, Professional storyteller and puppeteer – Benin

In the face of rising disinformation and cultural uniformity, storytelling remains a bulwark of truth and diversity. By adapting their stories to new digital formats while remaining faithful to their traditions, Benin’s storytellers are showing that these ancient stories still have a lot to offer. They are helping current generations to reconnect with the essential values of life.

The father at home is a storyteller, the mother is a storyteller. Tell your children stories. Even if you weren’t so lucky as a child, stories are now available in books. Read them and pass them on to your children. Don’t just make them read the stories, tell them. Your voice brings a warmth, an energy that is transmitted to the child and accompanies them in their growth with a beautiful positive energy”.

Odjèbï Adékambi Zinsou, Professional storyteller and actor – Benin  

For over 20 years, the Mémoires d’Afrique association has been fighting to bring African tales and legends to life in Benin. Thanks to flagship events such as the Nuit des Contes and the Journée Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel, it has succeeded in breathing new life into this ancestral art. Storytelling, a true cultural treasure, has been given a new lease of life and continues to amaze young and old alike.


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