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Femina : Athalyah Yisrael, Founder of Outliers Zone Caribbean – Guyana « Do something that builds wealth for your children and their grandchildren »

Athalyah Yisrael is a woman with nothing left to prove. She has managed to turn the script around and change the course of her life, from constant financial difficulties to owning her business, ‘Outliners Zone Empowerment’. Yisrael’s journey began in 2015, when she encountered the challenges of managing personal finances in her small business, Fun Park Rentals. Although it was bringing in a steady monthly income, her poor financial management had caused the business to stagnate. Her husband, Gabriel Yisrael, tried to help her improve her financial management by paying off her debt. This proved futile, however, as the mismanagement of funds continued on a daily basis. In February 2018, she and her husband officially launched Outliers Zone, a training institute that would partner with companies to help their employees end the cycle of one paycheck to the next. It’s worth noting that in 2019, her company’s solution to ending the ‘paycheck to paycheck’ lifecycle was selected as one of 17 finalists in the Caribbean Innovation Competition (CIC), at the XIV edition of the Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas (TIC).To date, the company is proud to host the ‘Human Resource Manager’s Guide to Understanding Employee Financial Wellbeing’, which took place in February 2024 in the conference room of the National Library.


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