Africa24 – Exclusive: Discover African Union Journal, the first weekly TV magazine dedicated to news about the African Union and the actions of this intergovernmental organisation of 54 African States, created on 9 July 2002. On the menu: focus, exclusive interviews with African personalities, reports, diaries… everything you need to keep abreast of the latest news from the pan-African institution and its 54 member states, thanks to our teams deployed across the continent. Every week Africa24 takes you to the heart of what the African Union is doing to promote the continent’s development.
African Union Journal
L’Actu des régions
Au sommaire de cette édition : – Le chef de l’Etat algérien Abdelmadjid Tebboune désigné président du mécanisme africain d’évaluation…
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Renforcement du partenariat en matière de santé entre l’Afrique et l’Europe
Alors que l’Afrique s’efforce de se remettre économiquement du lourd impact de la pandémie de COVID-19, les autorités sanitaires et…
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African Union Journal VA
Africa : 25 special agro-industrial processing zones planned in 11 African countries
To boost the level of African economic integration, the African Development Bank, in association with bi- and multilateral partners, has…
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African Union Journal VA
Africa : Progressive dismantling of customs tariffs under AfCFTA
Customs procedures are often a major obstacle in African intercontinental trade, slowing down trade and hampering countries’ economic development. By…
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African Union Journal VA
Africa : Lifting customs barriers to increase intra-African trade to 33%
A reduction in customs duties and non-tariff barriers could boost intra-African trade. African leaders are emphasising state involvement and investment…
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African Union Journal VA
Strengthening health partnership between Africa and Europe
As Africa strives to recover economically from the heavy impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, health authorities and national experts are…
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